Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go #13

Wondering while Wandering…

an artist’s limp toward finding ‘Radiance Through the Rain’


‘May the Rain of Suffering Soften Our Hearts,

Seeping Radiance to Our Thirsty Places.’

J. Douglas Thompson© 2023


Tim Keller left us his indelible mark-making. That is, through sculpting words to both his New York audiences but also the broader world, he presented the truth of Christianity as thoughtful, intellectually satisfying, well-reasoned sketches and full-out masterpieces within the context of his vast resumes of oratorial and written work. He often presented both sides of any given argument and asked us the listener or reader to engage with our minds and then based on good evidence, choose rationally the most reasoned conclusion to apply to our personal lives.



I have also linked to a couple of secular editorials by the New Yorker and the Atlantic below as to what the broader culture said about him and his ministry both in New York but to many of us over many online platforms.

His life seems short, as I am presently one year his senior as I write these words. In fact it is short but his will be very long as the years pass, as both his deep, and far reaching selection of books and lectures will carry on to future generations.

I also,  personally attach today my poem, ‘Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go’ (obviously title stolen from an earlier era) as maybe a simple response to him and his ministry to me personally as he was a pointer to Jesus, the Word and the light that enhances all of his creation.


Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go


Oh love that will not let me go

Will not betray

Unlike the fray

But always stay

A light, a ray

Of warmth that soothes me

Where I lay

In desperate need

All of my day

and so

With gratitude

I yield

And do include

My body, soul



Of spirits joy

To do

Your will

Of planting seed

Where er is need

Despite the path of pain

I leave to you the loss or gain

Of sunlit days or long grey rain.


And yes, the mist, the rain

That falls

On distant hills

And from them calls

Me wander to

And through its rills

Yes, shivered chills

Yet altogether thrills

And pleasure fills

My heart

To find your place

Of wonder and of space

That deep declares

Your heart to mine

Of natures call

A wonders sign

A pointer

To make full aware

Direct and through

Can’t help but stare

That in it find

Your face so kind

Which begs me meet

With you the source

The Word

Yes, full, concrete


Creations course.


Tis here in grey and valley’s sod

The place I trod

Where mind does prod

The deeper paths

Where darkness fills

My leaden breast

You show to me

Beyond the crest

A nod

A glimpse of light

And with it sight

That ray

That all will be

Yes fully right

When all is said and finally done

Because that power, so great with might

The darkness will be overcome

And this old world will be once more

A brand new sight

That lasts forevermore.


J. Douglas Thompson

Copyright 2023