Wondering while Wandering…

an artist’s limp toward finding ‘Radiance Through the Rain’


‘May the Rain of Suffering Soften Our Hearts,

Seeping Radiance to Our Thirsty Places.’

J. Douglas Thompson© 2022


On thoughts beyond the plague


And all was well…

Or so it seemed..and then and yet

Another crash has come to set

The act called life

And choices left

Our parts to play

To gain or be bereft…


We went about our daily chore

And thought that there was little more

To do or be

Those ‘musts’ that clang

Like rusty bells

That wore us down

And tried to drown

Our laughter, joy or song.


And in reminders off-tune rant

At days long end, we say, we can’t

Yet, here we are

To once again

Though weary through and through

We push toward

Our single song

In this long year of twenty two

It seems, yes wrong

That just as islands

We’re just fine

But really know

That’s just a line.


And we’ve been told

Without a doubt

To keep ourselves and those about

At distance safe

To not expose

Our inner fate

That broken we

Ourselves indeed

In isolated state

Are deep, so deep in need.


We thought it well

To keep our hearts

Our secret store

Well hidden, locked

Our longings past

Our longings fore

And so, shut down we dwelt

Our inner lives

Alone at core.


It’s in our hearts

That stoic we

Placed walls against the hurt of past

And statements make

Just to ourselves

To place our stake

That islands we

Shall still remain

Above the fray

Stiff upper lipped

And yet we lay

And yes, we pray

And dark at night

Alone we stay.


From morn till night

With just a nod, a smile or slight

A hand in clasp, or distant sneer

The other wish to disappear

And yet beneath our dermal skin

Our heart lay cold

With stated stand

Of not in want or need

At least it seemed

To us

As on we went in daily rounds

To fortify

That we flew high

Above it all

And needed none,

Not even one

To come by close

And so afford us



And so and now

The tide has turned

And want, yes we

From others free

A touch

And so to see

If given chance

On future date

It might be wise

In promise pure

To act upon

And give our hearts to others sure

Not just in heads

Or passing nods

But heart to heart

With depths that throb

With deepening care

The other for

Including self, which we have wore

So sawdust thin

That just before

We didn’t love ourselves at core

And so it came

The neighbour less and less, than more.


So finally,

This act has past

The play called plague

Its shadow cast

And yet it clings

The danger rings

Across the shore

And so we stand

With grateful hearts

For life still giv’n

Another day

To laugh, to cry to stay

To yes imbibe

The wonders way

And yet there lies

Good bye


And so to stop

T’would be with wise

One further thought

As yes distractions rise

To cast our minds

A moment fore

An open door

For what’s beyond

A crack of light

Despite our night

That offers hope

With laughter, joy and pure delight

A place called Evermore.


Wondering while Wandering…